Monthly Archives: February 2016

Anna Sohl

While doing research last week, I came across marriage information for Anna M. Sohl and John J. Kruger. I think that Anna Sohl is the daughter of Peter Sohl and Anna Rush – the same Anna Rush who married Herman Meyn. The marriage information gives us this: Groom: John J. Kruger Parents: Christian Kruger, None (?) Lorhalt (It looks like None and is indexed that way. Maybe pronounced Nona?). Born in Germany (Holland was written in and crossed out), white, […]


In November and December of 1879, there was a diphtheria epidemic in Sioux County, Iowa. Below is the U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedule for Sioux County. Four members of the Herman Meyn family died in a brief period: Herman, Katie, Carl (Charles in the document) and Johan (John in the document). The gravestone lists the dates of death of Herman and their three children who died of diptheria, and Anna, who died in 1910. A newspaper notice (above) mentions that […]