I called Dad for Father's Day and ended up talking to Michele for 30 minutes of the 35-minute call because Dad can't hear well.
I mentioned that Mary Greeley Medical Center is trying to get people who were born there, together on Aug. 7 for an attempt at a world record. I was born there because Dad was attending Iowa State University.

A view of Pammel Court, married housing area in Ames.
We lived in
Pammel Court, which was the married housing area. At the time, it was mostly quonset huts, I believe. My earliest memory is like a fuzzy black and white photo. We're in front of a quonset hut at night. There's a light over the door. There are several people standing is sort of a circle (probably talking). Someone is holding me.
Michele reminded me of a story from that time period. I don't remember this, but do remember being told about it.
I must have been 2 or 3 years old. It would have been spring or summer. Dad built a fence to keep me in the yard. A neighbor remarked that it wouldn't hold me. Dad said, sure it will. And then I climbed right over it.
More about
Pammel Court, with links to more pages with photos.