Fort Dodge Messenger & Chronicle
May 14, 1924, P. 14

Mrs. Baxter Dies
Mrs. John Baxter, seventy-eight years of age, died at 4:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon at her home, 1202 South Twenty-second Street, after a lingering illness. She had been ill during the past few weeks with the flu previous to which she had suffered from cancer.
She is survived by her husband, two daughters and a son. They are Mrs. H.M. Webb, of Salem, Oregon; Mrs. O.W. Schoonmaker of Savage, Montana, and Walter Burrell of Fort Dodge. Twenty grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren also survive.
Mrs. Baxter was born in Pennsylvania and has been a resident of Fort Dodge for the past twenty-four years. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the home and at 2:30 from the Epworth Methodist Church. The Rev. T.J. Pettit will have charge of the services. Burial will be made in Oakland cemetery.
Photo taken 23 May 2015 at Oakland Cemetery.